Suicide Squad Movie Money Program at Amazon: $5 or $8 Fandango Credit

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The deal starts on Sunday, 7/24/2016, so wait until tomorrow to order.

Amazon has a promotion where if you buy certain Blu Rays, you get $ 8 Fandango movie money for Suicide Squad, and for certain DVD’s, you get $ 5 Fandango movie money.

They have a nice list of movies that are valid for the deal, including the Limited Edition Dark Knight Trilogy that came out last month (which itself was a reissue of the larger set that came out last fall).

Here’s a list of valid Blu-rays:
  • V for Vendetta
  • Man of Steel (regular or 3D)
  • The Dark Knight Trilogy Limited Edition set
  • Batman Begins
  • The Dark Knight Rises
  • Constantine
  • Green Lantern (regular or 3D)
  • Watchmen: Director’s Cut

The DVD’s are similar, but there are a few differences: Superman 5-film DVD collection, and Batman 4-film collection (from the ’90’s, not the Nolan-directed films).
I realize that 5 or 8 bucks ain’t exactly a free movie ticket, but there are usually Tuesday discounts, if you can wait until after opening weekend to watch the film. Every little bit helps! Hot Deals

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