Rating: 0 Posted By: Larryslug
Views: 330 Replies: 0
Offer valid October 4th, 12:01AM ET to October 18th, 11:59PM ET on monthly memberships only. Offer is open to new and former (now-cancelled) Marvel Unlimited members. Offer not valid on gift, annual or Annual Plus memberships. Valid payment card required to redeem offer. Auto-renewal and other terms and conditions apply. First month billed at $ 0; subsequent months billed [monthly to the payment card on file at the then-current monthly subscription fee (currently $ 9.99 per month) unless and until cancelled. Cancel anytime through “My Account”following registration or by e-mailingonlinesupport@marvel.com.
I recently finished a year long subscription, and qualified I’m gonna sign up in the morning though
A few tips. You don’t need to wait until the last day to cancel the membership. If you have a tablet or phone you can live without having connected to the internet you can keep at least 12 comics to read offline after the membership ends..
If you have a couple devices you can load up on the comics for offline reading, by changing your offline comics on one device and keep downloading them on the other before the app has a chance to delete the previous ones. I think I once had over 80 comics at one point until I filled the tablets memory.
I liked reading them best on a 10.1″ tablet turned horizontal in full page mode. Even on a 4.7″ phone if you use the smart panel and turn the phone depending on the panel it’s not a bad experience. On my laptop…Meh.