Rating: 0 Posted By: iswhothere2
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Scroll down to download link below payment section- DRM-free download-must be logged into IndieGala.
Note: This version will not be updated and will be available for download for a limited time.
If you dont have enough money but you want to play the game, or if you simply want to check if your hardware is able to run it smoothly, were providing safe, DRM-free access to Die Young (Version on IndieGala until December 31st 2017. Theres no catch and no strings attached. Our sole request is that if you enjoy playing and would like to support our game-making efforts, consider purchasing Die Young in the future. You can do it from indiegala.com/dieyoung, or from Steam store. As you prefer.
Scroll down to download link below payment section- DRM-free download-must be logged into IndieGala.
Note: This version will not be updated and will be available for download for a limited time.
Per page info:Recently, we discovered that pirated copies of Die Young were being hosted on dozens of sites by fraudulent key resellers. Candidly, this is good news and bad news for us.The good news is simply in discovering that there is enough interest in our early access indie game for pirates to make this effort. But the bad news comes manifold:
- Pirated copies of Die Young are just not good for business
- Playing pirated games (especially when theyre in Early Access) potentially alienates gamers from the developers and curbs the generation of valuable feedback
- Players expose themselves to cybersecurity risks when they deal with pirates
If you dont have enough money but you want to play the game, or if you simply want to check if your hardware is able to run it smoothly, were providing safe, DRM-free access to Die Young (Version on IndieGala until December 31st 2017. Theres no catch and no strings attached. Our sole request is that if you enjoy playing and would like to support our game-making efforts, consider purchasing Die Young in the future. You can do it from indiegala.com/dieyoung, or from Steam store. As you prefer.
The Deluxe Pack is $ 14.99…if you like the game consider buying.