MiLocks DKK-02SN Electronic Touchpad Entry Keyless Door Lock $47.99 @Amazon + Woot DOTD

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Rating: 0 Posted By: dasistlu
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Woot via Amazon has MiLocks DKK-02SN Electronic Touchpad Entry Keyless Door Lock, Satin Nickel

For only $ 47.99 DOTD!

  • Keyless door lock with electronic touchpad keypad entry
  • Direct replacement for standard door knobs
  • Add up to 6 user passcodes
  • Adjustable latch: 2-3/8-Inch (60mm) or 2-3/4-Inch (70mm)
  • 25 year Mechanical Warranty – 1 year Electrical Warranty – Lifetime Finish Warranty Hot Deals

Garge door openers HD clearance YMMV

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Rating: 1 Posted By: bones774
Views: 273 Replies: 0

Just left my local H/D and they had 3 different types of garage door openers on clearance, 2 types of chamberlain and one type of genie all at about 50%, $ 94-$ 96 YMMV. I picked up the genie 3/4 HP with silent belt drive, slow start and finish, and wireless touchpad included Hot Deals

Free Kindle Books- Can the New Brain Science Open the Door to an Altered Reality? & 7 Ways To Sharpen Your Mind

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Rating: 0 Posted By: remick
Views: 87 Replies: 0

Your Everyday Superpower: Can the New Brain Science Open the Door to an Altered Reality?

5.0 out of 5 stars (27 customer reviews)

What if we all have a superpower we didnt even know we had?
Over the past two decades, there has been a quiet revolution in the human species.
Were seeing something that looks like a science of miracles.
On a regular basis, specialists and researchers are working with stroke victims, those with acquired brain injury and Alzheimers patients, as well as those seeking to improve memory, attention, creativity and overall brain function, to bring about radical and previously unguessed-at changes in the brain.
Theyre developing games and brain aerobics to reverse memory and function loss in the aging, using active pleasure to unlock brain addiction, teaching mindfulness for beginners to chronic pain sufferers, and measuring the dramatic positive impact of meditation, gratitude and sensory pleasure.
But what if it goes even further?
In her work as the Sweet Relief Coach, Janette Dalgliesh lives by, and teaches, the principles of deliberate creation, known to many as the Law of Attraction through books like Rhonda Byrnes bestselling The Secret as well as through the work of Abraham-Hicks.
But she always felt there was a missing piece of the puzzle; a gap between the sub-atomic world of quantum physics, where everything is energy and consciousness has been proven to affect outcomes; the macroscopic, classically physical world of everyday reality; and the intangible world of the esoteric and spiritual.
There is plenty of growing evidence for the links between physical, mental and spiritual well-being; but how do they work?
Janettes journey of enquiry began when she encountered leading American psychiatrist and author Norman Doidge at a writers festival, where he was launching his bestselling book, The Brain That Changes Itself. She devoured the book on her journey home – nearly missing a train stop – and discovered a deep passion for this extraordinary new brain science; the world of neuroplasticity.
Were the mystics and philosophers right all along, when they claimed that humans have the power to create their own reality, physically and literally? Could this science reveal the biological missing link that helps us understand how an altered reality is possible?
In this wide-ranging exploration of the relationships between the brain, consciousness and reality itself, Janette draws on the work of scientists, researchers and authors from Jill Bolte Taylor, VS Ramachandran and Rudolph E. Tanzi to Deepak Chopra, Joe Dispenza and Don Goewey.
This book explores, in plain English, the wilds of brain chemistry, confirmatory bias, species-specific interface and more.
It seeks to find out how the brain presents us with our reality, and whether you can turn this extraordinary knowledge into your superpower.

7 Ways To Sharpen Your Mind You Wish You Knew: The Best Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Memory, Learn Anything And Everything

4.8 out of 5 stars (25 customer reviews)

Think Faster – Focus Better – Remember More!

This book presents creative, yet practical tips and techniques to refine and sharpen your memory. Rather than rely on the happy accident of involuntary memory, you will be able to control what sticks in your mind and have easier access once a memory is in there.
Now, there is no shortage of memory books and tools out on the market today. The problem with them is they require you to use highly technical systems,so that to improve your memory, you have to learn, understand, andapply a complicated set of instructions. This can be time consuming andrequire a lot of effort. Often the system that you are taught is usefulfor only a handful of situations. It might help you with rememberingnames or a grocery list, but fall short in other areas such as studying or test taking.
This Book takes a different approach. It provides you with tips and techniques that are easy to learn, and more importantly, easy to apply. It does not require that you waste time learning difficult systems. It offers techniques that work with the natural way your mind processes information, so you spend less time trying to remember a system and more time remembering the information you need.

You will learn about:

* The basic principles of improving your memory.
* The importance of eating and drinking smart.
* Organizational tools and methods.
* How to work your mind.
* How to stress less.
* Useful memory exercises.

Take action and read this book now and live smarter!

Totally Free Deals Free Stuff

Possible FREE Ring door chime and Ring Doorbell cloud service

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Rating: 0 Posted By: JW10
Views: 288 Replies: 0

Ring Doorbell on Amazon

NOTE: Ownership of a Ring Doorbell is required before the Ring Chime has any usefulness.
The cloud service is limited to the Ring Doorbell AFIK.

I bought the Ring Doorbell via Amazon. It came fairly quickly.
After I registered it, I received an email offering to include me in a feedback group.**
For agreeing to do so, I was given free Ring Doorbell cloud service instead if being expected to subscribe to it.
Also, I was shipped a free accessory – the Ring Chime.
The Ring Chime acts as a internal doorbell even if your related cell phone is not in the home.

** The expectation is that you reviewyour Ring Doorbell experience on their site or Amazon product review which I did.
I also sent them some suggestions for possible improvements.
Disclaimer: I am just one person — I have no way of knowing if the offer to join the feedback group is sent to every new customer.

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