Rating: 0 Posted By: ragingwookiee
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$ 99.99
Also available,Little Giant Ladder Systems SafeFrame 6 ft. Fiberglass Step Ladder with Ratcheting Levelers — $ 179.99
Standing on the top rung or top cap of traditional stepladders is the leading cause of stepladder accidents and is also one of the top three reasons for OSHA citations in construction. Operators have a tendency to select the closest and lightest option available. When they need a taller stepladder, they break OSHA and ANSI rules by climbing past the highest recommended step to the top rung or top cap, which is an extremely unsafe practice. We engineered the patent-pending Little Giant SafeFrame stepladder to deter operators from standing on either the top rung or top cap. The SafeFrame also features an extra-wide standing rung to provide increased balance and stability. Little Giant’s unique Face-Forward top cap cradles the operator’s legs, encouraging the operator to face the front of the ladder while working rather than turning or twisting their body unsafely. As many as 20% of injuries occur when the operator accidentally misses the bottom step while descending the ladder, which commonly results in severe ankle, knee and back injuries. The SafeFrame features Little Giant’s patent-pending Ground Cue bottom rung signal. Ground Cue alerts the operator with an audible and tactile signal it is safe to step off the ladder.