FREE Estee Lauder Doublewear Liquid Foundation Makeup (10-Day Supply)

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Rating: 0 Posted By: MrsGuin
Views: 245 Replies: 0

Visit Est?e Lauder at Nordstrom or call our online Beauty experts at 1-800-723-2889 for a free 10-day supply of Double Wear liquid foundation in your perfect shade.
See link, scroll down to the “Details and Care” section:?… Free Stuff

Activism Kits from Young America’s Foundation

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Rating: 0 Posted By: butterflyblue
Views: 180 Replies: 0

You can set your club apart from others on campus by ordering our activism starter kit. This box includes:

Conservative themed posters of Ronald Reagan and others
Reagan Ranch Calendars
Various buttons and stickers to hand out to members and students
Pocket constitutions
A selection of shirts, books, and activism guides
And more! Free Stuff

Free Alternate Reality Game for 13-17 year olds sponsored by the National Science Foundation – Dust (opens on 1/26)

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Rating: 1 Posted By: remick
Views: 364 Replies: 0

On January 26th, the DUST will fall, and the game will begin!

DUST is an alternate reality game, an immersive story in which you interact with a fictional world by using real world media and skills. It is not a video game where you control a virtual player, instead you play as yourself using mobile apps, websites, and social media. Players work together alongside fictional characters to unravel a mystery that will help them save the world. The game officially launches on January 26th. The problem will be revealed and the fun will begin!
Can adults really design a game that will appeal to 13-17-year-olds?

Not without some help from 13-17 year olds themselves! Adult designers partnered with teens to craft many of game interfaces, characters, and storyline that you can experience in DUST. The programming and art was done by universities and game designers, but our teen co-designers contributed a great deal to our game! We also worked closely with teen beta-testers to play-test some of our mobile apps and our player community website. Our teen co-designers and beta testers came from Sousa Middle School in Washington DC, Stuart-Hobson Middle School in Washington DC, Dixon Middle School in Provo, UT and other locations around the United States.
Why is the National Science Foundation sponsoring this game?

National surveys and current research has shown that teenagers’ interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields is declining, especially when it comes to girls and minorities. Of course the National Science Foundation doesnt want that to continue, and neither do we. While DUST is intended to be fun, it also introduces teens to STEM studies! By using the scientific process to solve problems teens confidence will grow in their ability to use STEM. Play games AND get As on your science and math classes? Sounds like a good deal! If you are a teacher and you would like to know more about how to use this game in your classroom, we have created a site just for you. Please click HERE, and we will get started!

Trailer below

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