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Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Directors Cut (Nintendo Wii U) — $ 7.59 AC + $ 1.99 Shipping at
- Ultimate Deus Ex: Human Revolution Experience –Take advantage of a multitude of improvements, features and additional content that bring this already critically-acclaimed adventure to whole new levels
- Tap Into The Wii U’s GamePad True Potential –Adam Jensen’s newest augmentation, the Neural Hub, offers an immersive and empowering experience, right at the tips of your fingers
- Absolute Fusion of Action and Role-Play –A unique combination of action-packed close-quarter takedowns and intense shooting, offering a vast array of augmentations and upgrades for the many weapons at your disposal
- Multi-Solution Structure –Choose how to accomplish each mission using combat, hacking, stealth or social mode to create a customized experience to suit any gaming style
- Diverse Customization –Engage in combat and challenges utilizing deep, specialized character augmentations and weapon upgrades
- Enhanced Gameplay –Overhauled boss fights with a deeper and more robust combat system
- Director’s Cut Features –MiiVerse Integration, developer commentary, and full in-game guide
- Bonus Content Included –New Game+, extended arsenal, plus “Tong’s Rescue” and “Missing Link” bonus missions
- For 1 player, Rated M for Mature (Ages 17 and Up)

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