Rating: 0 Posted By: fivetalents
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LifeStraw Personal Water Filter
4.7 out of 5 stars 4,611 customer reviews
4.7 out of 5 stars 4,611 customer reviews
Avg price: $ 19.41
Now $ 14.09 (23 cents less than their recent best priceoffered April 2016)
FREE Shipping with Prime or on orders over $ 49.
Ships from and sold by Ama zon.com.
- Award-winning LifeStraw has been used by millions around the globe since 2005
- Removes minimum 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria (>LOG 6 reduction) and surpasses EPA standards for water filters
- Removes minimum 99.9% of waterborne protozoan parasites (>LOG 3 reduction) and filters to an amazing 0.2 microns
- Filters up to 1000 liters of contaminated water WITHOUT iodine, chlorine, or other chemicals
- Comes in a sealed bag, perfect for storing for emergencies