Rating: 0 Posted By: amentia
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Mavenis an online health clinic for men and women. It’s where you can video chat with doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, family medicine providers, prenatal specialists, psychotherapists, and more. Doctors and nurse practitioners in your state can even prescribe medication. You can see providers almost instantly – no need to wait weeks for an appointment!See providers from the comfort of your home or anywhere else using your computer, iPhone, or iPad. And it’s available internationally!
Use codeSF25SWAGto get a free appointment on Maven (a $ 25 value). You also get a FREE limited-edition Maven swag bag pictured here.
Sign up athttp://www.mavenclinic.com
This is an excellent deal. Not only do you get a free appointment with a vetted health provider, but you also get a tote bag full of cool Maven swag!