Rating: 0 Posted By: ragingwookiee
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$ 319.99 + $ 5.99 Shipping
Promo Code:EMCEKFE56
This product includes: a 1TB hard drive custom Halo designed console, a uniquely designed Spartan themed Steel Book containing a full game digital download of Halo 5: Guardians, matching Spartan Locke wireless controller, Chat Headset, Warzone REQ Pack which includes 14 Premium Requisition packs, FOTUS-class armor, a multiplayer emblem, 14-day trial of Xbox Live Gold, HDMI Cord, and an AC Power Cable.
Includes custom Halo sound effects for turning the console on, off, and disc eject.
Includes a Guardian model by Metal Earth, Halo: The Fall of Reach – Animated Series, and Spartan Locke’s Classified Orders.
Quickly switch between your games, live TV, and apps like Amazon Instant Video, Netflix, and HBO GO.
Play select Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One with backwards compatibility.